Mighty Wallets are made of Tyvek, the material that you see coating unfinished houses and that Express Mail envelopes are made of. It’s incredibly strong but also very light and dynamically stretches and re-shrinks depending on how much cash/cards you’re rolling around with.

The Mighty Wallet is one of those rare products that actually lives up to everything it says it is. “Mighty Thin, Mighty Strong, Mighty Green,” is its promo line, and nothing could be more accurate.

Look elsewhere if you want complex organization. Mighty Wallets only have two cash compartments and two expanding slots for cards/wallet fodder. But in terms of design, you’ll find nothing more unique. In addition to its solid material (that after some wear actually has a similar texture to US dollar bills), the wallets come in dozens of interesting designs, from artful collages to cartoon logos to blank ones you can draw upon.

After 1 year of daily use

I am wrapping up this year with my third Mighty Wallet. All 3 have held up great and had similar wear patterns. I was a huge fan after the first wallet but now I can say that it wasn’t a fluke and they are just great wallets. I recorded a short video to show more detail.


I have now had the Mighty Wallet in active use for over 1 year. The post below was done at 11 months but the images and content still apply. The wallet is still in great shape and even though I did get a new Mighty Wallet (Spider-Man), it’s hard to let the old one go. It is perfectly broken in and I would like to see how long it will last.


This site is usually focused on tech stuff and programming but this wallet impressed me so I thought it deserved some credit. My wife bought me the Mighty Wallet by Dynomighty for Christmas in 2012. It came in a simple plastic bag and looked like a novelty or joke gift. At the time I was struggling to find a wallet I liked so I thought it was worth trying. My first thought when I took it out of the bag was that it would be a short experiment. Figured it would tear or fall apart within a month. My wife assured me that she did her research and the claim was it could last a year and remain in good condition. Challenge accepted! I would use it every day and see what happens.

The texture is smooth and feels like wax paper. The folds are the only thing that is keeping it together (no stitching or tape) but it also makes it very flexible and easy to open. My design is Captain America Wallet which has the logo on the front and a plain back. The main (top) pocket is split in two sections. I used the front for money and the back for receipts and coupons. The front also has two pockets. One side has my ID, 2 main credit cards and a few store discount cards. The other side keeps my insurance cards, AAA, membership cards and anything else. Even though there are slots to use from the outside (shown in their example), I decided not to use it because 1) thought it would be more likely to fall out or get lost 2) all my stuff fit in the normal spots.


  • All my stuff fits and it is still fairly flat. The reason I struggled with so many wallets is that they get too thick once I put my stuff in. Then it is too uncomfortable to keep in a back packet and looks funny in the jacket pocket. I like to be able to move my wallet between jacket, pants front and back pocket at any time and not have it be seen. This wallet was better than most and since it has the smooth coating is slides in the pocket very easily.
  • It’s light… just paper, can be a light as you need it.
  • Awesome design. I would routinely get comments every time I pulled it out at stores and restaurants. It’s obvious if you leave it behind and on more than one occasion when I dropped it was quickly noticed and promptly returned. Why I dropped it is talked about in “The Bad”.
  • Durable. It really holds up as advertised. I never babied it, used it every day, traveled a lot, it spent time in almost all my pockets. It was never put through the wash or specifically put in water, but I did have it on me many rainy days and in damp pockets at sporting events.


  • Slippery. Can be good or bad. For me, in some cases it would slide out of my jeans back pocket while sitting at my desk. When it did fall out, it was easy to spot and quickly pointed out.

That’s about it for the bad. All in all I love it! The Mighty Wallet is 11 months in and only has minimal signs of distress. Most of what you see is just being broken in. My guess is that it could last another six months without worry. Not sure if I can make it that long to find out because I’m really hoping to get another one or two this year (hint hint to my wife).

The front after 11 months. You can see how it started to conform around the cards.

Open view after 11 months. The main point of wear is the center fold bottom. If is definitely more worn than other areas but still sturdy without any tears.

The review from: https: //www.luckyryan.com/2013/11/03/mighty-wallet/

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