Compression clothing and OCR gear in general can be expensive, we all know this yet we don’t mind buying it because we need it. I came across this company called Sleefs and decided to check them out. When going to the website I found they have a ton of stuff. A lot of their products are geared towards baseball and football players. However just over the past couple months they have added a bunch of new products which also help us as OCR athletes. So far, I have purchased Arm Sleeves and Compression Pants from this site. I am going to do a double review here. I will start with the arm sleeves.

They had 100’s of different arm sleeves in all kinds of colors patterns and even for you diehard college fans they have a ton of colleges as well. Sleefs offers a bunch of specials and have $5 arm sleeve Tuesdays. While on Tuesday its only on selected sleeves. One thing that is important to remember and kind of a downfall with this company is when you purchase a sleeve you are only buying 1 so remember that since we have 2 arms. The sleefsleeves came and they had some nice compression to them and were the exact ones ordered. They fit great and really did help protect my arms a good bit in the bucket brigade, we well as any kind of rope climb or walls. After about 2-3 washes I noticed the stitching in the seam has started to come apart. These hold up well. And for the price compared to some “bigger and better” companies I don’t mind going through a couple pairs here and there.

As for the compression pants. This is probably my favorite product this company has. I have had a pair for about a year now. I use them for winter training, when I go for a run, or when I’m outside working in the winter as a base layer. They really help keep you warm, if bought in the proper size they are really form fitting which helps. They only real negative I have on these is if they get stretched out at all they tend to rip easily. These pants compared to a lot of other compression pants are priced amazingly cheap and are pretty good. I would highly suggest looking at their website. They are listed as tights on the website and cost $25. Just like the arm sleeves they have a bunch of different designs. Sleefs also tends to run a lot of different deals and specials. You can typically get some pretty good deals when buying from them. I feel this company is pretty good for any OCR athlete new or experienced.