Since 1994, eFavormart has been the go-to destination for wedding favors and party decorations on the West Coast. Recently, they have brought their expertise and unrivalled customer service to the internet. Not only does eFavormart offer an extensive assortment of products to suit all tastes and styles, when you order from eFavormart you are purchasing directly from the supplier. This lack of middlemen means that you can be sure you are getting the absolute rock bottom prices.

Some of the products offered by eFavormart include silk flowers, chair slipcovers, and even personalized ribbons and napkins. The website includes a chat feature for live, instant help with one of eFavormart’s well trained customer service representatives, to ensure that your order is perfect the first time. Email help and a toll free number are also available. Most orders are shipped out within 24-72 hours of receipt, and they offer a variety of shipping options to ensure you receive your products timely. eFavormart will accomodate exchanges and returns on most items; if you wish to exchange or return a personalized item, please contact a customer service representative regarding your options.

eFavormart strives to give every customer the best customer service experience they’ve ever had. They will go out of their way to meet requests and deadlines, and they pride themselves on helping their customers make the most of every special occasion.

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Review by levanscatering