I was skeptical of the Jawzrsize at first, but this thing really does work. My face has gotten thin and feminine in the past five or so years of sitting at a computer desk, so I bought the Level 2 to regain some face size. I used it as directed on the box-6 sets of 30 reps each, every day for a little over a week–and it’s already made my face fuller. Three women have already called me handsome, and that’s not even a joke, just much appreciated attention from a perpetually nerdy IT guy. 🙂
* The workouts are fast and easy, you can literally do them in 2 minutes
* It’s even easier to get motivated if you have OCD or an oral fixation
* The silicone is very durable, didn’t need to mold the bite guards (an extra set is included, along with a neck strap)
* I noticed a fuller face in 15 days (May 26th-June 10th)
* There’s a discrepancy on the packaging that says the purple is 30lbs as opposed to the listed 40lbs; no practical way to measure the actual resistance
* It takes some practice in the first few days to bite properly so as not to cause TMJ-related pain, but by week 2 you should have a much stronger jaw already and no biting problems
* I always had a thin face and strong chin, but I plateaued on the Level 2 very quickly; have to buy Level 3 within the first month
Note: This DOESN’T guarantee you a bigger jawline. What it DOES is work the masseter muscle in your cheeks, which you can feel bulging out when you clench your teeth. It will make your jawline more toned and prominent by reducing fat and excess skin in that area, but it won’t make it bigger – it’s just your cheeks that will get bigger. However, I won’t discount the fact that you can increase bone mass through heavy weightlifting over extended periods of time, so you might be able to actually affect your jawline structure with enough time and dedication.
Highly recommended product.
Review by Josh M.
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Kalub - November 15, 2018 @ 06:21
I speak more clearly the rest of the day after a 15 minute use. My smile is a lot stronger for the rest of the day. I will be smiling and not even know it and normally my smile game is weak. I do think the design is better than buying say a bouncy ball and chewing on it if you can keep your teeth on the white plastic. Only problem is the white plastic wants to pop out after about 5 minutes use from saliva build up. They need hard plastic connectors to keep that locked in so you don’t feel like you waste 10 minutes of your 15 minute jawzersize workout.
I speak more clearly the rest of the day after a 15 minute use. My smile is a lot stronger for the rest of the day. I will be smiling and not even know it and normally my smile game is weak. I do think the design is better than buying say a bouncy ball and chewing on it if you can keep your teeth on the white plastic. Only problem is the white plastic wants to pop out after about 5 minutes use fro
komarco - December 12, 2018 @ 18:47
It provides some good resistance for the jaw muscles. And I would assume the higher level Jawzrsize Facial Toner would supply even more resistance in which I recommend that’s where you should start. But the part that’s made for the teeth to sit does get stretched out of place, and never returns to its original form. But even out of form it still works.
honeychild - January 7, 2019 @ 12:59
I thought it all very strange, but wanted to do some face reshaping and didn’t see anything else out there that looked useful. Been using it for several weeks. The very first thing that happened was a relaxation of my jaw. No more teeth grinding all night long. No more yawns ending in the jaw locking up with a scary amount of pain. And yes, already friends are asking what facial salon I’m using, and what are their treatments. Pretty cool ! I can feel my face again.
Try it !!!! It is amazing !!!!
I thought it all very strange, but wanted to do some face reshaping and didn’t see anything else out there that looked useful. Been using it for several weeks. The very first thing that happened was a relaxation of my jaw. No more teeth grinding all night long. No more yawns ending in the jaw locking up with a scary amount of pain. And yes, already friends are asking what facial salon I’m usin
Chris - June 15, 2019 @ 13:13
Great idea for a product. I’m a profesional MMA fighter and Jawz has helped me a lot to strengthen my jaw so when I get hit in training I’m more confident as my jaw is stronger. Must admit also, it’s kind of fun! I feel the blood rushing to my face when I use it. I personally use it while driving to the gym. I would suggest purchasing the “three pack”. A little pricey but you get the full set and better value for money…I’m happy with the purchase.
Great idea for a product. I’m a profesional MMA fighter and Jawz has helped me a lot to strengthen my jaw so when I get hit in training I’m more confident as my jaw is stronger. Must admit also, it’s kind of fun! I feel the blood rushing to my face when I use it. I personally use it while driving to the gym. I would suggest purchasing the “three pack”. A little pricey but you get the ful
Rayn - June 18, 2019 @ 03:30
Jawzrsize has peaked my interest, because of many positive testimonials. The price is reflective of the fact the product is proudly American made – which I will always support.
I bought a Purple resistance level in Decemeber, as a holiday gift to myself. I consider myself an amateur athlete – whether it’s MMA, running, biking, swimming, basketball, football, or strength and flexibility training.
I noticed an almost immediate affect on my body, strengthening my face, neck and jaw, tightening forehead wrinkles, helping to contribute to losing 30 pounds of body fat in two months, and less anxiety, and less headaches related to teeth clenching and grinding.
I highly recommend this product to everyone.
Jawzrsize has peaked my interest, because of many positive testimonials. The price is reflective of the fact the product is proudly American made – which I will always support.
I bought a Purple resistance level in Decemeber, as a holiday gift to myself. I consider myself an amateur athlete – whether it’s MMA, running, biking, swimming, basketball, football, or strength and flexibili