There are three flavors of the Staunch Nation Staunch Whey Protein. Honestly I was relieved that there are only three. If you read my last two protein ice cream reviews, you know I’ve written analysis of over forty different flavors in the last two days! Alot of typing about taste. I can tell you that much. But you could have worse problems than tasting ice cream all day and talking about them. But anyways let’s jump into the Staunch Whey flavor review section. I’ll start with my favorite Staunch flavor:

Vanilla Ice Cream: Who doesn’t love vanilla ice cream? I mean come on. I think it’s hilarious and ironic that once again I’m dealing with ice cream flavors AGAIN. OMG. I can’t escape from ice cream flavors! Lol. But yeah. Since it is so fresh in my mind, this Staunch Whey flavor actually tastes alot like the Enlightened ice cream vanilla. So it’s sweet, it’s smooth, and super easy to digest. I think Calum did an awesome job on Staunch Whey Vanilla Ice Cream flavor. This is by FAR the best flavor of Staunch Whey Protein.
Hot Chokkie: Maybe ‘Chokkie’ is a slang Australian term for chocolate. In fact, it must be. Because this would be a really foolish way to describe a hot chocolate flavor. Calum has some odd terms though. You know that if you follow his youtube like I do. This flavor of Staunch Whey protein is good, but not great. It’s a big step down from the vanilla in my opinion. I like my chocolate proteins to be really really bold. This one was not really like that. It was, well, ‘chokkie’. It got me thinking that maybe they named it this because it actually has a little bit of a ‘chalky’ texture too. This is definitely not Staunch’s best work. It’s also not nearly as sweet as the vanilla. But all in all this flavor is still better than the…
Caramel Von Mocha: You know that I hate coffee flavored proteins. Calum. Come on now. Aren’t you following my blog?? I follow you everywhere! Lol. Jk. You’re too cool I get it. And Karina Elle is a little bit hotter than me. Just being honest to myself. Lol. But really I don’t love mocha flavored stuff. Even if the caramel flavor DOES sort of start to add some sweetness, I still think this is the worst flavor of Staunch Whey.
Overall I’m going to give Staunch an 8/10 on flavor. The vanilla is closer to a 9, and the mocha is closer to, like, a 7. So we average it all out to 8. Let’s talk about ingredients and macros in Staunch Whey now.

What’s in Staunch Whey Protein?
Staunch Whey protein is relatively simple in terms of it’s ingredients. You have essentially just one protein substrate in here, which is whey protein, and then that is combined with a digestive enzyme complex containing probiotics, along with natural and artificial flavors, and of course artificial sweeteners. In terms of macros, the Staunch protein is equally as standard:

Calories: 100

Total Fat: 0g

Sodium: 190mg

Total Carb: 1g

Protein: 24g

You can tell this protein powder is very much on the simple side when it comes to formulation, which is fine. I personally prefer a blended protein, and you’ll notice most of my top ten are blended proteins. But Staunch is fine from a macro standpoint. The whey source is an isolate, which is better than a concentrate or some other less dense or complete sources. I give the Staunch Protein an 8/10 on formula.


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