Created by Mark Sisson, Primal Kitchen’s Paleo-friendly mayonnaise is made using avocado oil and other whole foods ingredients that are full of healthful, natural fats and antioxidants, without artificial colors, flavors, fillers, synthetic industrial seed oils, or trans fats.
Compared to many other “healthy” options, Primal Kitchen claims that their mayonnaise allows you to enjoy the full, tasty flavor, without sacrificing your health.
With this in mind, Primal Kitchen’s mayonnaise is claimed to be made using only 6 high-quality ingredients:
– Avocado oil
– Organic, cage-free eggs
– Organic egg yolks
– Organic vinegar (from non-GMO beets)
– Sea salt
– Organic rosemary extract
They have a newer Chipotle Lime version that features all of these same ingredients, in addition to chipotle (obviously), lime, garlic, and chives.
Regardless of the flavor, Primal Kitchen mayonnaise is free of sugar, soy, canola, gluten, and dairy. Despite its lack of artificial preservatives, if unopened, Primal kitchen mayonnaise is claimed to stay fresh in your pantry for up to 9 months.
However, it will need to be refrigerated after opening and will need to be used within 60 days.
Whether you’re on a Paleo diet or are just concerned about what you put in your body, does Primal Kitchen’s mayonnaise deliver healthful tastiness, and is it worth your hard-earned money? Consider the following:
Who Is Mark Sisson?
Mark Sisson is known to some as the “godfather of Paleo,” which a diet plan “based on the food humans’ ancient ancestors might likely have eaten, such as lean meat, nuts, and berries.”
He has been involved in fitness for decades, previously as a marathon runner, and more recently as the author of the acclaimed primal lifestyle book The Primal Blueprint, creator of, and founder of Primal Kitchen.
But although Mark has been focused on optimum health for decades, does this necessarily make Primal Kitchen’s mayonnaise better than the competition?
Is Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise Healthier than Other Options?
Strictly from an ingredients perspective, the fact that Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise only includes 6 whole foods ingredients separates it from much of the competition. Despite this benefit, though, it’s important to put things in perspective.
According to this Huffington Post article, on average, “One tablespoon of mayonnaise has approximately 11 grams of fat, 100 calories and 85 mg of sodium.”
If you compare these numbers with Primal Kitchen mayonnaise, you’ll see that it exceeds them in almost every respect. However, although this means you won’t be able to use Primal Kitchen mayonnaise in excess (just like any other mayonnaise), is it actually healthier than the competition?
According to, “Bad fats, such as trans fats and saturated fats, are guilty of the unhealthy things all fats have been blamed for—weight gain, clogged arteries, and so forth. But good fats such as monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3s have the opposite effect. In fact, healthy fats play a huge role in helping you manage your moods, stay on top of your mental game, fight fatigue, and even control your weight.”
Because of this, “The answer isn’t cutting out the fat—it’s learning to make healthy choices and to replace bad fats with good ones that promote health and well-being.”
With this in mind, the primary ingredient in Primal Kitchen mayonnaise—avocado oil—contains monounsaturated fat, which is much healthier than other options that use polyunsaturated fats, such as soybean, corn, and safflower oil.
This, along with Primal Kitchen’s lack of artificial ingredients and preservatives, can make it a more healthful option.
DIY Mayonnaise
Despite Primal Kitchen’s healthfulness, if you’re even remotely adept in the kitchen, keep in mind that there are dozens of online recipes for healthy mayonnaise recipes available at your fingertips.
Simply type in the phrase “whole food mayonnaise recipes” into your favorite search engine, and you’ll have more results than you’ll know what to do with.
And although this option might be more labor intensive, it could provide you with the same level of healthfulness as Primal Kitchen’s mayonnaise, but at a much lower price (more about this in the Pricing section).
Do You Like Mayo Popsicles?
Gross, right?
We bring this up, because according to the Primal Kitchen website, “If you live in a cold climate, your product may arrive frozen. Fear not! Simply refrigerate upon receipt and stir before enjoying. We could have chosen fillers and artificial preservatives to avoid this issue, but we don’t think it’s worth the sacrifice.”
Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise Reviews: Are Customers Pleased?
Since writing our original Primal Kitchen review, the company’s whole food mayonnaise has garnered 600+ pieces of feedback from Amazon customers, who gave it an average rating of 4.1 stars.
There, most compliments referenced its healthfulness and good taste, while (like any other food product) most complaints referenced that they didn’t appreciate the taste, as well as the higher price.
Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise has also been featured in Shape, Glamour, and other well-known publications. While most of these appearances were simply noting that the product is now available, the Glamour article claimed that Primal Kitchen might work as a “delicious and healthy alternative to traditional mayonnaise” after testing it out for themselves.
From a company perspective, Primal Kitchen mayonnaise is manufactured by Primal Nutrition Inc. based out of Oxnard, CA, although the company is not listed with the Better Business Bureau.
Is Primal Kitchen’s Price Worth the Health Benefits?
Considering the fact that diets high in polyunsaturated fats are responsible for a wide variety of health concerns, the monounsaturated fat in Primal Kitchen mayonnaise might help you lead a healthier life.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to eat any more Primal Kitchen than you would other types of mayonnaise, so you’ll have to decide whether this “unseen” health benefit is worth the high price.
Speaking of which, for price-conscious consumers, keep in mind that whole food mayonnaise can be made in the comfort of your home, for a fraction of the price.
Fortunately, Primal Kitchen’s Mayo seems to come with mostly positive feedback from customers, and the company stands behind their food products with a 30-day refund if you’re dissatisfied. Given this, you might not have much more to lose than S&H charges for giving them a try.
What did you think about Primal Kitchen’s Mayo? Give other customers an inside scoop by writing your review below!
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Misty - June 5, 2019 @ 17:42
This stuff is awesome. It’s a little more “watery” than your average bear salad dressing in the supermarkets, but oh, the taste, the healthiness of it, the sense of fullness I get after eating a salad is da bomb, lol!! I am a chubbo on a low carb diet and I need foods that make me feel satiated. These salad dressings help tremendously. I also discovered that I am VERY allergic to soy. Soy is in EVERYTHING, Peeps, from canned tuna in water to breads. Not just soy sauce, as I mistakenly thought for years! Haha! It’s beyond difficult to find a salad dressing that doesn’t have soy in it, and if you do, it’s usually full of crap ingredients, or so watered down it tastes like air. This isn’t. I use quite a bit of this on my salads…as if I have to give up breads, sweets, chips, (you know, all the fun foods), than dang it, I am gonna splurge on this stuff on my hunk of lettuce. It is worth it. I make a big butt bowl of salad, pour this in, and stir all around to saturate. I may have been known to “drink” whatever is left on the bottom…heck, it’s expensive, I am fat, and Momma’s gotta do what Momma’s gotta do. All joking aside, my thought process is, spend the money on healthier foods, or spend the money on meds to control diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, later. I chose the dressing.
This stuff is awesome. It’s a little more “watery” than your average bear salad dressing in the supermarkets, but oh, the taste, the healthiness of it, the sense of fullness I get after eating a salad is da bomb, lol!! I am a chubbo on a low carb diet and I need foods that make me feel satiated. These salad dressings help tremendously. I also discovered that I am VERY allergic to
VMommy - August 1, 2019 @ 23:13
I’m not vegan, but I don’t eat eggs and I am intolerant to gluten, dairy, canola and soy among others. I’m also a mom to 3 kiddos with similar food allergies. This is maybe the only bottle of “sauce” I can buy in a store that won’t make me or my family sick for weeks. It is more of a vinaigrette than a creamy dip. A bonus is there is no MSG/natural flavor in this product. The only improvement I can suggest is please make more dairy/egg/soy/canola free products and make them more reasonably priced $11 for a bottle of ranch?
I’m not vegan, but I don’t eat eggs and I am intolerant to gluten, dairy, canola and soy among others. I’m also a mom to 3 kiddos with similar food allergies. This is maybe the only bottle of “sauce” I can buy in a store that won’t make me or my family sick for weeks. It is more of a vinaigrette than a creamy dip. A bonus is there is no MSG/natural flavor in this product. The only impr
Joan - August 23, 2019 @ 11:13
I had this dressing when I visited my friend in CT, and I just had to order it. Great on fresh veggies!
Robbin - November 2, 2019 @ 11:19
I am really really sorry. I absolutely love avocados and starting the keto diet we hated having to give up our Hellmann’s mayonnaise. We saw that the keto connect duo recommended avocado mayonnaise from Costco. We ordered these three from Amazon, got the plain, chipotle lime and garlic avocado mayonnaise. The only thing I can say that’s positive, is the garlic had a really strong flavor which we liked. Unfortunately all three have a very chemically flavor. It’s almost like eating pledge. The garlic flavor and chipotle lime were there, but the chemical flavor was in all three and very strong in the plane one. Again, really wish I could’ve given this five stars but we tasted a teaspoon of each and ended up throwing them in the trash. Even tried doctoring the garlic mayonnaise up with some black pepper but that chemical flavor was underlined in all three.
I am really really sorry. I absolutely love avocados and starting the keto diet we hated having to give up our Hellmann’s mayonnaise. We saw that the keto connect duo recommended avocado mayonnaise from Costco. We ordered these three from Amazon, got the plain, chipotle lime and garlic avocado mayonnaise. The only thing I can say that’s positive, is the garlic had a really strong flavor which
Jessica - November 2, 2019 @ 13:54
I’ve been struggling to find a decent sauce while on keto. Most of them are full of chemical sweeteners with nasty aftertastes. I found these and liked the ingredient lists. I only really wanted to try to regular bbq sauce but I figured I’d take a chance and see if the others were any good too. They came packed really well with no issues. All three of these sauces are DELICIOUS! The golden bbq is actually my favorite. Both bbq sauces are somewhat thick while the steak sauce is super runny but tasty. All sauces are very smooth with no chunks, if you’re sensitive to that kind of thing. I usually pour a tablespoon of each on top of mayo to make flavorful, high fat dipping sauces. I’ve looked at two different Walmarts and two different Krogers and couldn’t find them there. I’ll definitely order these again!
I’ve been struggling to find a decent sauce while on keto. Most of them are full of chemical sweeteners with nasty aftertastes. I found these and liked the ingredient lists. I only really wanted to try to regular bbq sauce but I figured I’d take a chance and see if the others were any good too. They came packed really well with no issues. All three of these sauces are DELICIOUS! The go
Luc - November 2, 2019 @ 19:55
I’ve done Whole 30 a few times now, and I’ve made my own Ketchup and tried a few other compliant brands. This is the only one that has a yummy expected Ketchup taste and a really nice consistency. It tastes exactly like what you want and expect Ketchup to taste like. My hubby, who was very dubious and hates any mass-market “healthy” ketchup, was the best taste tester – he LOVES this one!! He even said he would like this one going forward for all our Ketchup needs. He doesn’t see any need to go back to other brands. Highly Recommended.
I’ve done Whole 30 a few times now, and I’ve made my own Ketchup and tried a few other compliant brands. This is the only one that has a yummy expected Ketchup taste and a really nice consistency. It tastes exactly like what you want and expect Ketchup to taste like. My hubby, who was very dubious and hates any mass-market “healthy” ketchup, was the best taste tester –
Lucy - November 3, 2019 @ 15:29
I love ketchup! Being sugar-free and trying to eat as normal as possible has been a challenge. Primal Kitchen ketchup is the best tasting, keto-friendly ketchup I have tried! Worth every penny!
Marty - November 3, 2019 @ 18:03
This ketchup OMG is not what I expected the taste is phenomenal. I thought I wasn’t going to like it but it surely fooled me. I am currently on the Keto lifestyle and this encourages me more to stick to it. I made my garlic bread with fried onion and a burger, now I finally have the ketchup for the topping. It brought the life back into my burger.
On the Keto diet there are certain things you cannot have due to too much carbs. I’m a ketchup lover so I’m very happy with that. My meal was satisfying as if I was eating a regular burger. I couldn’t tell the difference from regular ketchup. Thanks a million.
This ketchup OMG is not what I expected the taste is phenomenal. I thought I wasn’t going to like it but it surely fooled me. I am currently on the Keto lifestyle and this encourages me more to stick to it. I made my garlic bread with fried onion and a burger, now I finally have the ketchup for the topping. It brought the life back into my burger.
On the Keto diet there are certain things you ca
Emily - November 4, 2019 @ 06:28
I had high hopes for these condiments. After a few weeks on the keto diet, I couldn’t stand the idea of eggs. I bought these to help add variety to my dinners. They aren’t terrible, but each one has several types of vinegar in it which gives the condiments a sort of fermented taste. The classic barbecue and golden barbecue taste nothing at all like the barbecue sauces I’m accustomed to, and were somewhat similar to curry sauces. After trying them, I won’t be using them again. My wife likes them a little better than I do, but she enjoys a few fermented foods that I find distasteful.
I had high hopes for these condiments. After a few weeks on the keto diet, I couldn’t stand the idea of eggs. I bought these to help add variety to my dinners. They aren’t terrible, but each one has several types of vinegar in it which gives the condiments a sort of fermented taste. The classic barbecue and golden barbecue taste nothing at all like the barbecue sauces I’m accusto
Batty - November 5, 2019 @ 19:45
I received this yesterday, just in time to try on some grilled burgers we had just made. This was absolutely amazing! It had a great tang and tomato flavor. It wasn’t sweet (obviously), but not only did I not miss it I enjoyed this more than the regular store brand ketchups. It was the same consistency as the regular stuff and I can’t wait to use it again. Another plus was how well the bottles were packaged. They were well wrapped and put in the correct size box to minimize movement, so nothing arrived broken or damaged. I only wish other sellers took such pride in their goods!!
I received this yesterday, just in time to try on some grilled burgers we had just made. This was absolutely amazing! It had a great tang and tomato flavor. It wasn’t sweet (obviously), but not only did I not miss it I enjoyed this more than the regular store brand ketchups. It was the same consistency as the regular stuff and I can’t wait to use it again. Another plus was how well the bottles
Gem - November 8, 2019 @ 21:39
This was my first time ordering the avocado mayo from Primal Kitchen. I’m trying to stay away from canola and soybean oil (which is harder than it should be). I heard really great things about Primal Kitchen and so I gave it a try. I was worried about what I would find/taste when I opened the jar. The consistency is just like regular mayo, although the color is a little more beige/yellow. I liked the taste much better than regular mayo. It didn’t have any weird chemical or artificial taste to it, just nice, smooth, creamy mayo. I went through that jar in no time, so I’ll need to order another.
I was very happy with this product. It’s not the cheapest thing on the planet, but the ingredients are all organic/free range, so you know when you eat it, it’s as safe as it can possibly be.
This was my first time ordering the avocado mayo from Primal Kitchen. I’m trying to stay away from canola and soybean oil (which is harder than it should be). I heard really great things about Primal Kitchen and so I gave it a try. I was worried about what I would find/taste when I opened the jar. The consistency is just like regular mayo, although the color is a little more beige/yellow. I
Bouvier - November 11, 2019 @ 13:33
I find most ketchups to be very sweet, and when I look for ketchups without sugar, they all seem to have removed the sugar, but just added sugar substitutes (which defeats the purpose off making ketchup less sweet). Primal Kitchen – Organic Unsweetened Ketchup tastes great, does not include sweeteners, and you don’t even notice that the sugar is missing.
Mary - November 12, 2019 @ 15:50
This is my go to dressing for a fresh spring greens salad with seasoned shrimp! Also great with veggies & chicken.
Seda - November 14, 2019 @ 14:42
I wasn’t sure if taste was going to be sacrificed for nutrition with these products, quite the contrary. These products are so good, like can’t wait to try more of them good. Thank you for putting out tasty clean products for me and my family to enjoy.
Cally - November 14, 2019 @ 19:16
Whether you are looking for a great tasting dressing to pair with your salad or a marinade for chicken this can easily be your go to for both. I love pouring this over plain chicken breasts before baking in the oven. SO easy and simple for a very flavorful meal!
Beverly - November 15, 2019 @ 12:58
This product is absolutely disgusting. It has this horrible distinctive flavor and it’s something I just can’t get over. As soon as you smell it you know what it’s going to taste like and it’s completely awful. The garlic tries to mask it but it is not working . I’m on the ketogenic diet and I’m allergic to Soy and I was getting sick of making my own mayonnaise and so many people were suggesting this to me. But it was seriously a waste of money period. Completely disgusting. Would never recommend.
This product is absolutely disgusting. It has this horrible distinctive flavor and it’s something I just can’t get over. As soon as you smell it you know what it’s going to taste like and it’s completely awful. The garlic tries to mask it but it is not working . I’m on the ketogenic diet and I’m allergic to Soy and I was getting sick of making my own mayonnaise
Jacob - November 16, 2019 @ 23:54
This dressing tastes amazing, and the best part is that it is made using quality product, and no soybean oil (allergic). Thank you for an amazing line of products that taste great!
Julie - November 17, 2019 @ 23:34
Tried it out because I’m a fan of marinades. Just the right amount of vinegars (they use two versions) to give it a ‘zing’ without making you want to spit out the food.
My only real compliant isn’t with product, but the product’s container. It’s a large-diameter opening so when it starts to pour…hoooly crap does it come out. I wonder if they’d offer a nozzle accessory like I have for my olive oil. In order to better control the pour. – I won’t dock a star for that; these reviews should be to inform other’s if the product, itself, is worth their money. Not a critique of the design of a bottle.
Tried it out because I’m a fan of marinades. Just the right amount of vinegars (they use two versions) to give it a ‘zing’ without making you want to spit out the food.
My only real compliant isn’t with product, but the product’s container. It’s a large-diameter opening so when it starts to pour…hoooly crap does it come out. I wonder if they’d offer