The Refined Feline goal: to create a line of products that are affordable, easy to maintain, and fun for cats, in addition to being customizable to easily blend into any home’s decor.
The Lotus was our first product, then came the Refined Litter Box. As we met and shared stories with cat owners, new problems presented themselves. How can we convince our cats to stop climbing over our keyboards? How can we provide a place to perch without taking up valuable floor space? We went to work and solved this issues with The Kitt-In Box and the Cat Clouds Cat Shelf, respectively. Over the years we’ve introduced more and more products for both cats and cat lovers to enjoy.
By meeting face to face with cat owners and surveying 1,000’s more over the internet, we innovate to developing products to satisfy our pet’s needs as well as make living with them a bit easier for us.
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Andrew - June 1, 2019 @ 21:13
The Lotus Cat Tower not only provides the cats with tons of entertainment and places to nap/comfortably spread out – which is a feature that many cat trees do not have – it is also a great looking piece of furniture. The cats were occasionally catching their claws on the carpeted areas so I ordered the Lotus Platform cushion set from the retailer. The cats now love to comfortably jump from level to level and they also have a great vantage point for looking out the window.
Immediately upon unpacking the box, I realized that the Cat tower was not like ordinary cat trees. It is well made and very sturdy. The tree was easy to put together and they included a Phillips head screwdriver. It actually took me longer to clean off the tiny styrofoam pieces from the tower. I know I’m being nitpicky, but I wish they had not used sytrofoam sheets to pack the tree, it is a pain cleaning the mess the pieces that break off the sheet.
The cats use all the levels including the little cubby hole at the bottom. I have a shorter cat tree next to it and they’re constantly jumping from one to the other. The Cat Tower is well worth the cost as it is an elegant piece of furniture that fits into most decors. I do recommend trading out the carpeted levels for the cushion set. It makes the Cat Tower look even more beautiful and gives that cats a much softer and comfortable place to sleep.
The cats enjoy the Lotus Cat tree so much that I’ve purchased a second one for the office. As both cats love high places, it is not unusual for one to be on the top of one while the other is on top of the 2nd tree.
Thanks TheRefinedFeline
The Lotus Cat Tower not only provides the cats with tons of entertainment and places to nap/comfortably spread out – which is a feature that many cat trees do not have – it is also a great looking piece of furniture. The cats were occasionally catching their claws on the carpeted areas so I ordered the Lotus Platform cushion set from the retailer. The cats now love to comfortably jump
Fahid - June 19, 2019 @ 19:13
This cat tree camouflages itself in our living room. It looks like nice white shelves in the corner, and guests hardly notice it until our cats hop up on it to lounge around and watch us. It shipped in one big flat box but was very easy to assemble. Refined Feline even included a screwdriver with all the hardware. The wood itself is very nice, its not just cheap looking laminate. There are 3 places to screw it into the wall for stability. The one drawback I saw was that it can’t sit completely flat in the corner because of the crown molding at the base of our walls. There are 4 round feet to level the cat tree though, so between making the front foot very tall and screwing it into the wall, the unit fits very nicely. It took our cats about a month to warm up to it, but now they seem to enjoy lounging on it and batting at each other.
This cat tree camouflages itself in our living room. It looks like nice white shelves in the corner, and guests hardly notice it until our cats hop up on it to lounge around and watch us. It shipped in one big flat box but was very easy to assemble. Refined Feline even included a screwdriver with all the hardware. The wood itself is very nice, its not just cheap looking laminate. There are 3 place